Gunflint Trail Fish Species
Check out the different fish species you can find in the numerous lakes along the Gunflint Trail.

Sander vitreous
A member of the perch family, a defining characteristic of walleye is their pearlescent eyes, due to the presence of a reflective membrane called the tapetum lucidum. This structure allows for the capturing of light as it is coming and going across the retina, thereby enhancing the ability of the walleye to see in low light conditions. This gives them a distinct predator advantage, which is why they actively feed under crepuscular (sunrise/sunset) and nocturnal conditions.
The latest research indicates that walleye can see certain colors better under different water conditions. In one particular study – white lures were preferred in clear water. Under turbid conditions, walleye preferred yellow or gold, and in algae-laden waters black was best. Although anyone who has done it long enough knows that fishing is often more voodoo than science.
Without a doubt, walleye is the most sought-after gamefish in Minnesota waters. This is for good reason; they are amazing to eat! Some folks think they lack as fighters, but maybe they have only ever caught small ones. Due to the abundance of sizeable prey (such as cisco and whitefish) in the larger bodies of water along the Gunflint Trail, we grow big walleye up here. A walleye over 28-inches is generally considered a trophy in this neck of the woods. Any over 30-inches is truly a fish of a lifetime.
Walleye can be caught year-round and respond to any number of fishing techniques – jigging, trolling, slip-bobber, live bait, artificial bait, etc.
Interesting fact – some of the well-known walleye lakes up here, such as Seagull and Saganaga are not natural walleye lakes. Walleye were introduced in the 1930’s. Historic data show the strain used came from Red Lake in North-central Minnesota.

Esox lucius
‘Northerns’ or ‘Pike’ are an underappreciated game fish, at least when they are on the smaller size. Many anglers have cursed when their ‘keeper’ walleye turned out to be a ‘hammer handle’. The only thing worse is losing your lure to a ‘bite off’.
However, pike have a lot of positives: 1) they often provide action when other fish aren’t biting, 2) they put up a good fight, especially when they start pushing over 24-inches, 3) they are quite good to eat. I will admit I grew up with an aversion to eating pike, but after several side-by-side taste comparisons, they hold their own in a fish fry. Walleye still has the edge, but we now happily keep a few small pike to eat throughout the year.
But what about the bones? It is true that pike have a pesky line of Y-shaped bones that aren’t pleasant to pick around. However, there are several ways to remove them, resulting in bone-free fillets. Your guide is happy to do it for you. Pickling is also a great way to prepare/preserve pike and the process literally dissolves away the bones.
Pike can be caught year-round. Often hooked while fishing for other species, they can be targeted by casting or trolling big lures, or using large live bait. Pike over 30-inches are impressive, but those over 40-inches are true trophies.

Salvelinus namaycush
One of only two native ‘trout’ species in Minnesota, lake trout are possibly the most fun and dynamic fish to catch up here. Ironically, lake trout are not trout at all, but a member of the ‘char’ genus, which also includes – brook trout, bull trout, Dolly Varden and Artic char. However, like true trout species (such as Rainbow trout) they are members of the salmon family and share many similarities to other salmonoids.
Pelagic at times, they can be found chasing prey across deep, open-water basins, but they also associate with structure – such as: mid-lake humps, points, steep break lines, etc. They aren’t afraid to feed on the bottom and its not uncommon to find crayfish, bottom dwelling invertebrates, and sculpin in their stomachs.
Active year-round, they are limited to deeper, colder waters during the summer months. However, once cooler temperatures arrive, these bruisers truly reign supreme, and the entire water column becomes their playground. The majority of the ice fishing along the Gunflint Trail is associated with chasing ‘lakers’.

Micropterus dolomieu
Pound-for-pound small mouth bass might be the hardest fighting fish in Minnesota. They make long runs, pump hard, and will jump in an attempt to shake lose. Their willingness to hit surface lures adds another layer of angling excitement. Like most members of the sunfish family, they generally prefer warmer water, at least compared to other game fish in the Northland.
Most anglers probably can’t imagine the BWCAW without smallmouth bass, but historically they were only native to the Mississippi river and its tributaries. Stocking (both intentionally and unintentionally) has led to them now being widely distributed across Minnesota. Anglers often fall into one of two camps – they either love smallmouth, or they dislike them as negative competition for walleye.
Whatever your personal views, many slow days of fishing have been saved by finding pockets of active ‘smallies’. If you get lucky enough to land one pushing 20-inches, you won’t soon forget the fight either. On the table, nobody would ever mistake them for walleye, but when taken from cold, clean waters, their fillets do just fine in a fish fry. Grilled whole or made into fishcakes is a great option too.

Salvelinus fontinalis
One of only two native ‘trout’ species in Minnesota, ‘brookies’ are likely the most beautiful fish in our waters. Ironically, brook trout are not trout at all, but a member of the ‘char’ genus, which also includes – lake trout, bull trout, Dolly Varden and Artic char. However, like true trout species (such as Rainbow trout) they are members of the salmon family and share many similarities to other salmonoids.
Since brook trout (like most stream trout) are unable to adequately reproduce in small inland lakes, their presence is dependent entirely upon stocking by the Minnesota DNR, often by airplane. It is estimated brookies generally live 2-4 years in these environments, but older fish have been documented. Several lakes along the Gunflint Trail are managed exclusively for brook trout, and they provide excellent ‘put-and-take’ fisheries. Brook trout readily hit lures and are fun to catch in open-water or through the ice.
Due to the carotenoid pigments in the invertebrates they eat (such as crayfish), brook trout flesh can range in color from pink to orange to reddish, not unlike what you would expect from salmon.

Salvelinus – namaycush x fontinalis
Splake are an artificial cross between a male brook trout and a female lake trout. The ‘sp’ is derived from the combination of ‘speckled trout’ which is the Canadian name for brook trout, and the ‘lake’ comes from lake trout.
This hybrid possesses many desirable traits that make it popular – it grows faster than either of the parent species, longer lived than brook trout, grows bigger than brook trout, and readily hits lures and bait.
Several lakes along the Gunflint Trail are stocked exclusively with splake.

Oncorhynchus mykiss
Although not native to Minnesota, rainbow trout have been widely transplanted in many rivers and lakes, including Lake Superior. Their natural waters are along the West Coast, from California to Alaska.
Rainbows are popular for many reasons – beautiful color, acrobatic jumpers, willing biters, and good table fare!
Since rainbows (like most stream trout) are unable to reproduce in small inland lakes, their presence is dependent entirely upon stocking by the Minnesota DNR. Several lakes along the Gunflint Trail are managed exclusively for rainbows and provide excellent ‘put-and-take’ fisheries.

Black Crappie – Pomoxis nigromaculatus
Yellow Perch – Perca flavescens
Bluegill – Lepomis macrochirus
Although not as plentiful compared to other regions in Minnesota, the Gunflint Trail does host numerous lakes that contain good numbers of black crappie, yellow perch, and bluegill.

Lota lota
If there was ever a fish in Minnesota that is having a turn of events, it’s the eelpout. As a kid I remember seeing them littered across the ice on Mille Lacs, thrown aside by walleye fisherman. Today, thanks mainly to a new generation of anglers that have given them a PR makeover, the eelpout is having its moment. Anglers are now targeting them on purpose, their status as good table fare is being recognized, and the MN DNR even reclassified them as a game fish.
Eelpout are an anomaly among Minnesota fishes, as they are freshwater relatives of the saltwater cod family. They also have the distinction of being the only fish in Minnesota that spawns in mid-winter. In fact, from January until ice-out, the eelpout fishing only gets better. A nocturnal fish, its best to target them after the sun goes down, when they move up from deep water to feed. However, a day-bite can be had during their spawning season, when they tend to remain shallower throughout the day.
Regardless of your bias toward them – they are a true predator fish, they get big, fight hard, and taste great!